วันอาทิตย์ที่ 7 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2560

Learning Reflection

                                       Learning Reflection

       From A Discourse Approach in Reading (1551108 ) course. I had learnt many genres of texts like recount, narrative, descriptive, procedure, comparison, contrast, cause, effect, definition, classification, explication, problem and solution. Moreover, as you can see from my previous blogs and I also learned about discourse markers, that would be very useful for my reading skill.  
         I improve my four language skills from this amazing course. I improved my reading skills by reading lots of texts and analyzing it. I improved my writing skill by writing many blogs about what I had learnt from each class every week and also by doing many writing exercises and I also improved my listening skill because the teacher always let us listen how to pronounce words  correctly like native speaker does from Cambridge Dictionary Online. Moreover, I improved my speaking skill by discussing with friends about the lessons in English every class and in this course, teacher also asked us to make cooking videos in English then presented it in class, I spoke a lot of English on that video. In addition, I also became more creative by creating cooking video and story book that teacher asked us to do so you can’t deny that I got a lot of things from this useful course.  

The difficult and easy things that I found in this course.
       In my opinion, the difficult things that I found in this course were that when I had to read the passages that there were many academic words and I also think that writing main idea of each texts was pretty difficult for me, I understood what was the text about, but I couldn’t write them in my own words and another thing was grammar, sometimes grammar made me confuse about the sentences so I didn’t understand what the authors want to express exactly but I could solve those problems by searching on the internet, finding it on dictionary, asking my friends and teacher. The easy thing that I found was narrative because in this lesson, I had to read only one story called Secrets by Tim Winton and it was easy for me to study through story because it made me understand the lesson easier.

SoulPancake books chase study soulpancake GIF

My attitudes toward to the lesson
        In my opinion, first I thought that this course would be hard for me because the name of the course sounds difficult ,but after attended to this course made me know that it’s not that hard because there are lots of discourse markers that can help you to understand what you are reading easier moreover, also help you to know the genres of those texts. I think this course is very useful for all students because it can help them to get the main idea of what they are reading easier and understand the text deeply. In addition, writing weblogs for this course really help you to improve your writing skill as someone said
 “Writing is hard, but the more you write, and enjoy what you write, the better it gets”

      Finally, I want to say thank you to Asst.Prof.Dr. Usa  Noytim who taught me a lot of things not only the lessons but also about manners, morality and many things that will be very useful for my life and my future as a teacher. Thank you for being such a great role model and generous teacher. You didn’t only tell me what to do but also showed me how. Studying with you two courses was my pleasure. I have got a lot of knowledges and many great lessons for living from your class.You become one of my favorite teachers. I hope i will have a chance to study with you again. I love youuuuuu ♥

Ps. Congratulate on your retirement ! 

Harlem Globetrotters bye goodbye harlem globetrotters adios GIF

วันจันทร์ที่ 1 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2560

Problem and Solution (continued)

         1 May 2017, today was the last day of this course. We already learned all lessons so today teacher just gave us the corrective feedback of the exercises that she assigned us as homework last week. It was about problem and solution and there were some of my friends that didn’t do homework so teacher told them to get out of the class and finish their homework first. The exercises were pretty difficult as we had to analyzed what is the problem and solution of the texts moreover, we also had to write main idea and diagram of the text so many students included  of me did a lot of mistakes, but the teacher explained us until we understood.

After gave us corrective feedback of all exercises, the teacher asked us to present the cooking video that she assigned. I already shown mine last week so in this class, I just watched my friend’s videos.

HULU tv snl saturday night live nbc GIF

In my opinion, the class of today was very good. Watching cooking video of my friends was really fun. I Just knew that some of my classmates are really good at create videos. Some of them could be chefs also but some shouldn’t be hahaha. I had a lot of fun in class. Byeeee


วันอังคารที่ 25 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2560

Problem and Solution

          24 April 2017, today I have both a good news and a bad news. The good news is the air conditioners finally worked and the bad news is I came to class late today like 3 seconds but teacher already checked the name passed my name. (Ps. It was my first time that I came to class late in this semester) My teacher is very punctual woman. She is always be on time.  

           After checking the students who present, the teacher gave us the handouts; it was about problem and solution. Next she asked us to pay attention in class because we almost finish this course and then she explained about what we are going to study today.

           After that, she asked us to read the text about teen pregnancies and analyzed what is the problem -what is the solution in the text; it was a good text that told us about how to prevent teen pregnancies. You know what is the most effective way to prevent that problem? You may think about using birth control but well, let me tell you, the most effective way to prevent pregnancies is ABSTINENCE, which is 100 % effective.    
 juno pregnant GIF

        Next, the teacher asked us to do some exercises and when we all finished, she gave us the corrective feedback.  Then she assigned us to do the rest of exercises as homework because it was time for a quiz.


   In my opinion, I think the lesson of today was pretty easy for me because the texts were easy to understand, but there were still some vocabularies that I didn’t know the meaning but I could solve the problem by asking teacher, my friends and finding on the dictionary online that teacher always  ask us to use. The quiz of today was pretty difficult for me but I did my best. I hope I won’t fail T______T. See you again next week. Byeeeeeeeee ♥


วันจันทร์ที่ 10 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2560


        10  April  2017,  Well, the air conditioners  didn’t work again that made my mood became bad before studying. First of all the teacher gave us the corrective feedback of the exercise that she asked us to do last week.

Next, the teacher gave us another handouts, it was about exemplification. Then she asked us to read the handouts. After we finished reading, she asked us to do the exercise. When we all finished doing the exercise, the teacher gave us the corrective feedback.

After that, the teacher asked us to do the rest of exercise and gave us the corrective feedback when we all finished. Next, 4 pairs of students had to show the cooking video that the teacher assigned and it was my turn to show the video. My partner was Suwaphon. Our video was about how to make canned fish hot and spicy soup.

Well, this is our video if you want to see.

In my opinion, I think the lesson of today was pretty easy for me but the weather was really hot so I think it wasn’t only me that couldn’t concentrate on studying but also another students in the class. Well, at least in the bad thing there is a good thing happens. I had a lot of fun in class while I was showing our video with my friends. Bye, see you next week.

Ps. I hope next week Air conditioners will work.


วันอังคารที่ 4 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2560

Definition & Classification

     3April 2017, such a bad day as the air conditioners didn’t work again. This building is the new one; I don’t understand why this happened so often. We had to open all doors and windows moreover, our class had only a fan.

 hot weather heat warm hot weather GIF

Next the teacher told us the mid-term score and quiz score. My score was better than I expected so I was so proud of myself hahaha. After telling everyone the scores, the teacher  explained us about the definition and classification then, she gave us the handouts. She taught us about  the meaning of discourse marker and when we use it

After that, she asked us to do the exercises by ourselves and when we all finished, she asked us to check the answer with our friends first  and then she gave us the corrective feedback later.

We did many exercises and in the second exercises, teacher also asked some students to write the answer on the board to share with classmates and I was one of them. The teacher asked me to go to write the answer on the board because I was doing bad face as the weather was very hoooooot. Well, the teacher also shared me the fan sometimes but still hot anyway. 

 hot summer fan wong kar wai chungking express GIF

Next the teacher let us break for 10 minutes then we kept doing other exercises on the handouts and when we all finished, she gave us the corrective feedback.

In my opinion, the lesson of today was pretty hard as I had to analyzed the text and found the meaning of technical term. Moreover, the weather was very hot so I couldn’t concentrated much on the lesson but I didn’t leave any blanks on my exercises. See you next week. Byeeee

America's Next Top Model girl model bye drama GIF

วันพุธที่ 22 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2560

Cause & Effect

      20 March 2017, the teacher gave us the handouts, it was about “Cause & Effect” and then she asked to do us exercises by ourselves because she had to attend the opening ceremony. 

In the first exercise we had to read the text and then answered what is cause and effect. After that, the teacher came back and gave us the corrective feedback.

Next, she asked us to keep doing another exercises. The second exercise, we had to read the text and circle the cause and effect markers and look for the specific cause and effect diagrams, the first item of this exercise was pretty hard but the second item was very easy so i did all correct. The third exercise, we had to read the text and answer the following questions and on the last exercise, we had to complete each sentence by choosing the best ending.When we finished doing all exercises , the teacher  gave us the corrective feedback. 

In my opinion, the lesson of today was pretty easy because there were not much information and the exercises were pretty easy for me. I had lots of fun in class. See you next week. Byeeee

 bye goodbye back to the future marty mcfly farewell GIF

วันอังคารที่ 14 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2560

comparative & contrast (continued)

         13 march 2017, first of all teacher let us checked the answer of the exercise that she assigned as homework last week with friends. It was about do men and women speak the same language then, the teacher gave us the corrective feedback. While she was giving us the corrective feedback of the exercise, she also searched some vocabularies on dictionary online to teach us how to pronounce it correctly.

There were
Inflict (v)  /ɪnˈflɪkt/  to force someone to experience something very unpleasant:
Fatality (n.) /fəˈtæl.ə.ti/ a death caused by an accident or by violence, or someone who has died in either of these ways:
Destruction (n.) /dɪˈstrʌk.ʃən/ the act of destroying something, or the fact of being destroyed:
And then she asked us to do exercises on the handouts. After finished studying, we had a midterm test. It was easier than the quiz that I ever did. I almost could answer all questions. I hope my score will be good.


Do you agree with Tannen’s view on the subject? Be specific about your point of disagreement.

- I agree with Tannen’s view that men and women use the different language because men and women are raised to see the world indifferently way. However, I disagree with the view that said women rarely tell jokes in public because I have seen many girls telling jokes in the public.

Are any of Tennen’s point about the differences personalities of men and woman true in your native culture? Explain Do men and women in your native culture use the language the way Tennen claim American men and women do? Give specific examples  

-Yes, in Thailand men are also usually tell jokes that make fun of other people but women tell jokes about some foolish or silly things that they had done.

-Yes, Thai men also will disagree strongly with other people in public but women will try to avoid open argument in conversations. 

In my opinion, the lesson of today was pretty difficult for me because there were many difficult words that i didn't know the meaning but i could solve problem by asking my friends, teacher and finding it on dictionary. However, the text of this lesson were very interesting so that made me want to read it even there were many difficult words. See you next week. Byeeeee

 mrw look bye reddit profile GIF

วันพุธที่ 8 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2560

Procedure (continued) & comparative and contrast

        6 March 2017, the teacher asked us to talk with friends about what did we do on the weekends and then she asked us to read the text on our handouts, it was about how to use toaster. After finished reading, we had to do the following exercise. Next, when we all finished doing the exercises, the teacher gave us the corrective feedback.

After that, she taught us about the purpose of procedure, types of procedure texts, text organization and language features.Next, the teacher showed us some pictures and asked us how are they different and then she explained us about what is comparison and contrast.

After that, she asked us to do the following exercise; it was about comparison between the high context culture students and the low context culture students.Next, the teacher gave us the handout, it was about comparison and contrast, then she asked us to read the text on the handouts and do the following exercise, it was about completing the diagram then, she asked us to read the second text,  men and women : do they speak the same language?  When we all finished reading, the time was up so teacher assigned us homework to read the second text that we had read again and do the following exercises.

In my opinion, I think the lesson of today is pretty hard because I had to read a lot of texts and there are many words that I didn’t know the meaning  but I could solve the problem by asking my friends, teacher and, finding it on dictionary online. Moreover, the texts in the lesson were not so interesting so it was hard for me to concentrate on reading. However the exercise part: completing the diagram was very good. See you guys next week. Byeeee. 
 beyonce bye goodbye sassy ghetto GIF

วันอังคารที่ 21 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2560


        20 February 2017, The teacher asked us  if we knew how to cook and then let us talked with friends about the recipe of the meal that we could cooked. I talked my friends, Bunyarat and Suwaporn . We exchanged our recipe and how to cook the food that we chose. Mine was Fried eggs because I don’t cook much so I knew only simple menu. Bunyarat talked about Fried rice and Suwaporn talked about Rice topped with stir-fried pork and basil

Next, the teacher assigned us to do the video clip about cooking food in a group of 2 people. She asked us to choose any foods that we want to cook and record it. She said that we had to tell also about ingredients and method.

After that, the teacher showed us the cooking video by Jamie Oliver. It was how to cook the perfect omelet. And she asked us to jot down the words that we heard from the video. By the way I really love Jamie Oliver’s accent. I think that would watch his video more to practice my English skills.  

                                             Source :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQyRuOEKfVk

Next, the teacher showed us the recipe of Risotto and explained about it. Then, she gave us the handouts of the unit 4, it was about procedure. She explained us about what is produce and then she asked us to do the exercise. It was about matching each sentence with the correct picture.

After then, she asked us to organize the table for doing a quiz.

In my opinion, I think the lesson of today is pretty hard because I didn’t know much vocabulary about cooking but I could solve the problem by asking my friends and teacher and, finding it on dictionary online. The quiz was very difficult for me. I didn’t leave any blank but I was not very sure about my answers. After finished doing quiz, I found out that I did a lot of mistakes by talking with friends.T___________T 

I hope that I will do better in midterm exam. Bye 

BRIT Awards bye brits brits 2017 robbie williams

วันพุธที่ 8 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2560

Descriptive ( contiinued )

             06 February 2017, the teacher let us talked about what we have learnt last week with friends and then we started studying in handout, it was about Komodo dragon.After that,She asked us to read the text and answer the following questions and checked the answers with friends. After that she gave us corrective feedback.

Next we did another exercise; it was about matching each word with the correct meaning. Then, the teacher explained each word for us and used the Cambridge dictionary online so we could learn how to pronounce the word correctly like a native speaker does.

Next, she asked us to read another text about Budapest, the Hungary capital.
After finished reading, the teacher asked us to answer the following questions and when we all finished, she gave us the corrective feedback. Then we had to read another about one couple named Bert and Doris. When we all finish reading, she asked us to work in group of 6 people to do activity, it was about describing things. Our group got the topic “Person” so our group had to choose one person to describe and present in the front of the class.

We decided to describe about our friend named Supapan that absented today.  We are in the same gang so I know a lot of the details of her.

And this a paragraph that we described about Supapan.

She is a tall girl with black curly hair and oral face. She often wears green shoes with cute pink socks. She is a fashionable girl. She loves walking in the rain, talking with every dogs in the world and she also enjoys bathing her dogs. She is good at drawing, writing fictions and criticizing things like foods, clothes and toilets. If you want to know where is the best toilet in our university, you can ask from her. She is a mysterious girl; no one knows where she goes and when she comes. Everything seems like a flash. Maybe she has a magic who know. Do you know who she is?
She is Supapan

For me, I thought the lesson of today was pretty easy but, there were some difficult words that I didn’t know. I could solve the problem by asking the teacher and my friends and also finding. I had a lot of fun in class. Especially, when we had to work in group and describe about our friends that absented today. See you next tomorrow. Good byeeeee.

BJ The Chicago Kid bye goodbye byeeeee

วันจันทร์ที่ 30 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2560

narrative (continued) and descriptive

          30 January 2017, as there were many of my classmates absented from the make-up class on Sunday so the teacher asked Sitthichai to tell my friends about what was the whole story that we  had learnt yesterday and she also asked to tell all my friends about what we had studied on Sunday. 

After that, the teacher explain us about the purpose of Narrative, the types of narrative, text organisation and language Features.

Next, she asked us to work in group of 5 people to discuss about the home work that she assigned us on Sunday, it was about discussing the story’s symbols.

And these were the Idea of my group
The eggs represented as the secret that become bigger every day. The bigger of the secret is the more stress Kylie has so she can’t hold it anymore so she let it go as you could see from the story that she threw the chickens in the well.
The well represented as the loneliness, the more Kylie go down in the well is the more she stay far from the society.
The photo represented as the only good memory that she only has when she was a child.
Kylie’s cutting of the photo represented as that Kylie wants to escape from the adult’s world.

After all groups finished discussing, we had to send the representative of each group to present in front of the class and the representative of my group was me.
After all groups finished presentation, the teacher showed us the example of another person’s ideas on internet.

Next, she assigned us about the homework. She asked us work in group of 3 people what we had to do was draw cartoon books about the story that we just read ( Secret by Tim Winton ) She asked to send this homework on 28 February so we had time to do to like a month.

After that, teacher show us the slide of pictures and then she asked us to describe about their appearance, habitat and what diet.

The first picture was Green darner dragonfly. In our group we described that the type of Green darner dragonfly is insect and it has 4 wings, long body and it eats grasses.
The second picture was the ant.
In our group we described that the type of the ant is insect and it has a long legs, small body, big eyes and it eats meat.
The third picture was Komodo. In our group we described that Komodo has long and forked tongue, fat body, 4 short legs, rough skin and it looks like a crocodile. It lives near the river and eats chicken.

After that the teacher asked us to send the representative of each group to present about Komodo in front of the class. When each groups finished presentation she gave us the handouts, it was about descriptive.

Next, the teacher asked us to draw the diagram and add the information of Komodo from the handouts but the time was up so she asked us to do it as the homework.

For me, I thought the lesson of today was pretty easy and interesting however, I still had some problem about that I don’t know much vocabulary but I solved the problem by asking the teacher and asked my friends and also finding in dictionary. I had a lot of fun in class because we had to discuss with my friends a lot in class. See you next again week. Bye for now.

Fergie bye goodbye milf


                    29 January 2017, today is Sunday. Intact, we had no class today but as the class on 13 February will be canceled so the teacher decided to make up class today. When the class started the teacher asked us to talk with friends about the story that we had read last week.

After that she read and explained us the part one of the story the she asked us to make a group of 5 people and do the exercise, it was about adding 3 fairly short sentences to complete the summary.

And this was our summarized:
Kylie feels left out from her mother and Philip’s activities. She becomes interested in the chickens in the yard. Somehow her secret helps her to feel less lonely. She finds the second egg and then finds out where others are being laid by an unhealthy-looking hen. After that Philip shows her the bore well that she is not allowed to lift the lid but because her curious, she brings the photo album with her and goes down into the well. She looks at the photo. It reminds her about how the photo was taken. She remembers that her father was the photographer so there are only her mom and Kylie in the picture. The she asked us to send the representative of each group to read the summary in front of the class and I was the representative.

Next, she read and explained us the part two of the story. After finished reading she asked us to do the exercise, it was about put sentences in the right order to produce a summary of the second of the story.

After that, we did another exercise, it was about choose one of the verbs and complete each sentence.When we all finished the exercises, my friend in class named Loychoy confused about the story so he asked the teacher to explain it again.

Next, we did another exercise. The teacher asked us to work in a group of 2 people in this time and then we had to choose the three themes which us think are the most important and write each one on a slip of paper. After that we all had to put all this papers together and then find out which three were chosen often by the class.
The three themes that were chosen often by the class were
- neglect
- problems associated with contemporary family life
- children’s rights

After that, the teacher asked us to draw the diagram, it was the one that we already did last week but this time we had to use the information of Kylie, a girl in the story that we read. When we all finished doing this exercise, the time was up so she asked us to do the rest of the exercise as homework.

For me, I thought the lesson of today was pretty easy because there were not much difficult words  however, the exercise were pretty hard but I solved the problem by asking the teacher and asked my friends and also finding the difficult words in dictionary. I had a lot of fun in class. See you next tomorrow . Good byeeeee.

Real housewives of Atlanta bye real housewives realitytvgifs rhoa

วันพุธที่ 25 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2560

Recount (continued) and narrative

            23 January 2017, the teacher asked us to talk with friends about what did we do on the weekend. I told my friends that on my weekend, I went back to my home at Suphanburi province. I did a lot of things with my family. It was really good time for me.

After we finished sharing our experience about the weekends, the teacher gave us the corrective feedback of the homework that she asked us to do last week but before she gave us the corrective feedback, she read the texts of each exercise and explained us about the texts so  we all could understand  correctly.

Next, she asked us to do the rest of exercises in handouts so we could start the new lesson. She asked us to read the texts and answer the following questions. After that we had to work in group and summarize what was the text about then  sent the preventatives of each group to present  in front of class.

The story was about “There were a woman and a boy. They drove too fast so they were stopped by the police. The police asked them to see their license but They pretended not to understand what police was asking for. And the truck weren’t theirs. Finally, they could escape because the police was struck in the mud.”

After every groups finished presentation, we had to read all the texts again together and then the teacher gave us the corrective feedback about the exercises and finished the lesson.

Next, Teacher started new lesson. She asked us to do some activities. We had to answer the questions about ourselves and then drew it as diagram then talked and compared with friends about shape of our diagram. After that, she asked us to read the first two paragraphs of the text and talked about it. We couldn’t finish the whole texts because time was up but we keep studying about this text again on Sunday.

For me, I thought the lesson of today was pretty easy because there were not much difficult words  but I had a little problem when I had to analyzed the  main point of each paragraph by my own words but I solved the problem by asking the teacher and my friends and also finding the difficult words in dictionary. I had a lot of fun in class. That’s  all for today. See you next week. Good byeeeee.


วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2560


        16 January 2017, when I arrived class and found that all windows and the door were opened because the air condition didn’t work and yes i had to sit at the fifth row again, very far from the whiteboard.

After that teacher gave us handouts, it was about recount .She asked us to read the text in the hangout; it was about Furious Pace in Hockey Finals the she let us analyzed the text. In part orientation of the text we had to find when, who, what and where .In part events of the text we had to find action verbs, linking words to do with time and specific participants.
Shortly after that the housekeepers came to our class and asked the teacher to stop using electricity for a while because electricians wanted to fix the electrical system so we had to stop studying for a while.

After electricians finished fixing electrical system, we could keep studying. Teacher asked us to read the next; it was about the funeral in Toraja. Then she asked us to analyze the text and answer the following questions.
Next she asked us to draw the sequence diagram about the text about the funeral in Toraja.

we couldn't finish the handouts today so teacher asked us to do the rest of exercises as homework.

For me, I thought  the lesson today was pretty easy there were not much difficult words and the exercises weren’t  very hard. I could solve those problems by finding a difficult vocabulary in dictionary, asking my friends and asking teacher. I had a lot of fun in class but it would be better if  the air conditioners could work well.

Hola, teacher asked us to write a special event that happened to us because she want us to recount something.

I got a scholarship to study basic Chinese for 2 weeks there at Taiwan so I was very excited as it was my first time to travel aboard. There were 10 students that got this scholarship, they were from difference majors. 

We arrived Taiwan on 7 August; the staffs from the university came to pick us at the airport and took us to the dormitory. We met another people that also join this program there; they were from many countries like Spain, America, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Japan, Thailand and Taiwan and they all were very awesome. We got along very well.

ในภาพอาจจะมี 10 คน, คนที่ยิ้ม, ต้นไม้ และ สถานที่กลางแจ้งในภาพอาจจะมี 25 คน, คนที่ยิ้ม, ผู้คนกำลังยืน
ในภาพอาจจะมี 31 คน, คนที่ยิ้ม, ผู้คนกำลังนั่ง และ สถานที่ในร่มในภาพอาจจะมี 23 คน, คนที่ยิ้ม, ผู้คนกำลังนั่ง

2 weeks at Taiwan was really awesome.
I spent time studying Chinese.

ในภาพอาจจะมี 1 คน, หน้าจอ และ สถานที่ในร่มในภาพอาจจะมี 4 คน, ผู้คนกำลังนั่ง และ สถานที่ในร่ม

Doing many activities and something that I never did before.

ในภาพอาจจะมี 3 คน, คนที่ยิ้ม, สถานที่ในร่มในภาพอาจจะมี 8 คน, คนที่ยิ้ม, ผู้คนกำลังนั่ง และ สถานที่ในร่ม

ในภาพอาจจะมี หนึ่งคนขึ้นไป, ผู้คนกำลังนั่ง และ ตารางในภาพอาจจะมี 16 คน, ผู้คนกำลังยืน

Trying new foods and drinks.

ในภาพอาจจะมี 1 คน, กำลังนั่ง และ สถานที่ในร่มในภาพอาจจะมี 1 คน, กำลังนั่ง และ สถานที่ในร่ม
ในภาพอาจจะมี 4 คนในภาพอาจจะมี 9 คน, คนที่ยิ้ม, ผู้คนกำลังนั่ง และ สถานที่ในร่ม

Visiting many cool places like Gaomei Wetland,  Taipei 101, National Palace Museum, Tamsui Old Street, Waterfront, Sun moon lake  etc.

ในภาพอาจจะมี 11 คน, คนที่ยิ้มในภาพอาจจะมี 12 คน, ผู้คนกำลังนั่ง, ภูเขา, ท้องฟ้า, สถานที่กลางแจ้ง, ธรรมชาติ และ น้ำ

ในภาพอาจจะมี 12 คน, คนที่ยิ้ม, ผู้คนกำลังยืน, ภูเขา, ท้องฟ้า, เมฆ, สถานที่กลางแจ้ง และ ธรรมชาติในภาพอาจจะมี 9 คน, ผู้คนกำลังยืน และ สถานที่กลางแจ้ง
ในภาพอาจจะมี 11 คน, คนที่ยิ้ม, ผู้คนกำลังยืน และ สถานที่กลางแจ้งในภาพอาจจะมี 7 คน, คนที่ยิ้ม, สถานที่กลางแจ้ง
ในภาพอาจจะมี 11 คน, คนที่ยิ้ม, ผู้คนกำลังยืนในภาพอาจจะมี 7 คน, คนที่ยิ้ม, ผู้คนกำลังยืน, ท้องฟ้า, สถานที่กลางแจ้ง และ น้ำ
ในภาพอาจจะมี 3 คน, ผู้คนกำลังยืนในภาพอาจจะมี 10 คน, คนที่ยิ้ม, ผู้คนกำลังยืน และ สถานที่กลางแจ้ง

ในภาพอาจจะมี 8 คน, คนที่ยิ้ม, ผู้คนกำลังยืน และ สถานที่ในร่มในภาพอาจจะมี 15 คน, คนที่ยิ้ม, ผู้คนกำลังยืน

It was a cool experience for me. I had done many new things there, learnt another languages & cultures and also met new people. I had a lot of fun there and I hope I have a chance to go there again.

Here is a video of the activities that i did there :

reaction bye jeff bridges adios