วันอังคารที่ 25 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2560

Problem and Solution

          24 April 2017, today I have both a good news and a bad news. The good news is the air conditioners finally worked and the bad news is I came to class late today like 3 seconds but teacher already checked the name passed my name. (Ps. It was my first time that I came to class late in this semester) My teacher is very punctual woman. She is always be on time.  

           After checking the students who present, the teacher gave us the handouts; it was about problem and solution. Next she asked us to pay attention in class because we almost finish this course and then she explained about what we are going to study today.

           After that, she asked us to read the text about teen pregnancies and analyzed what is the problem -what is the solution in the text; it was a good text that told us about how to prevent teen pregnancies. You know what is the most effective way to prevent that problem? You may think about using birth control but well, let me tell you, the most effective way to prevent pregnancies is ABSTINENCE, which is 100 % effective.    
 juno pregnant GIF

        Next, the teacher asked us to do some exercises and when we all finished, she gave us the corrective feedback.  Then she assigned us to do the rest of exercises as homework because it was time for a quiz.


   In my opinion, I think the lesson of today was pretty easy for me because the texts were easy to understand, but there were still some vocabularies that I didn’t know the meaning but I could solve the problem by asking teacher, my friends and finding on the dictionary online that teacher always  ask us to use. The quiz of today was pretty difficult for me but I did my best. I hope I won’t fail T______T. See you again next week. Byeeeeeeeee ♥


