From English Reading Strategies (1551180) course. I’d learnt many strategies that would be very useful for my reading skill like,
scanning, skimming, guessing words meaning from the context, previewing,
restatement, finding references, making inferences and predicting as you can
see from my previous blogs and I also learned how to read faster. Someone said “the more that you read, the more
things you will know” and as I had read a lot in this course ,you can guess
how much knowledge that I got from this course.
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Now you may think that I only improved my reading
skills because I had read a lot but in fact I got more than that. I also improved my writing skill and you that know how come, that’s because I had to write the
blogs for what I had learnt from this class and I also had to write the summary of the
things that I read in class, I improved my listening skill because the teacher always
let us listen how to pronounce words in correctly way like native speaker does
from Cambridge Dictionary, I improved my speaking a lot in this class because teacher
always asks us to discuss with friends about the lesson in English and sometimes I was the representative
from my group so I spoke a lot of English in this class and sometimes she let
us talk whatever we want with friends BUT HAVE TO TALK IN ENGLISH so now you
can’t deny that I improve my four language skills from this useful course.
However, the teacher also shares her us about experiences when she studied abroad, shares many tricks to study English, shares many good websites that would be very useful to improve our English skill. All the things that she shares were very useful for us all.
The difficult and easy
things that I found in this course.
In my opinion, the difficult that I found in this course were, that
when I had to read some passages that was academic because there were many
difficult words.I also thought that
summary each paragraph was pretty difficult for me, I understood what was the
passage about but I couldn't summarize them by my own words and another thing was grammar,
sometimes grammar made me confuse about the sentences so I didn’t understand what the
passage want to express exactly but I could solve those problem by searching on
the internet, finding it on dictionary, asking my friends and teacher. The easy
thing that I found was scanning because I didn't have to read a lot just found the
key words and the got the answers.
My attitudes toward to the
In my opinion, first I
thought that this course would be very boring because I don’t like to read very long English texts that
much after attended to this course made me feel like reading very long English texts is not that
boring as there are the many strategies to help us understand what we are reading
easier. I think this course is very useful for all students because it can help them easy to understand what they read and this lesson can be used
in daily life like when you read newspaper, magazine and all kinds of books
even when you do exam, it will help a lot in part reading. However, writing weblogs
for this course really help you to improve writing skills, I can feel that
because my blog become longer and longer every day. It’s like now I enjoy
writing a lot. This course becomes one of my favorite courses.
Finally, I want to say thank you to Asst.Prof.Dr. Usa Noytim who taught me a lot of things not only
the lessons but also about manner and things that will be very useful for my study and my life. Thank you for many good things that you share
like, tricks to study, your experience when you studied abroad that inspired
me a lot because I also want to study abroad and i think it's really sexy to being very smart so I will try hard like you did. Thank you for being a cool and generous teacher. You are so coooooooooool.
Before I go I have something to share with all of you that come to visit my blog. Maybe you want to read a book after watch this video like me.
Bye, see you next semester.
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