วันพุธที่ 7 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2559

today's technology ( continued )

5 August, the teacher gave us a topic and let us go to write the answer on the white-board.
The topic was “ What technology can you use to learn English? ”   
I went to write Instagram and the rest of my friends wrote E-mail, Facebook, messenger.
After that, the teacher let us think and write our ideas about the advantages and disadvantages if using the internet when we finished we had to talked about our ideas with a friend who sat behind us.
Next the teacher picked someone to present in class and it was me.
I told my friends in class that I think advantages of using the internet are, we can search for all information that we want to know, we can communicate with people that live so far away from us, we can update what are happening around the world and we can search something on internet that can make us relax. On the other hand, the disadvantages of using internet are, nowadays some people are getting addicted to internet so they spent time with their family less and there are a lot of wrong information on the internet as  anyone can post anything.

After that the teacher had some words for us and we had to find the meaning.
Cyberspace : The internet considered as an imaginary area without limits where you can meet people and discover information about any subject.
Key pal : A person with whom one regularly exchanges E-mail for fun.
Netizen : a person who uses the internet.
Emotion : a strong feeling such as love or anger, or strong feelings in general
CU stand for See you.
RUOK stand for Are you okay ?
OMG stand for Oh my god!
LOL stand for Laughing out 
After that, the teacher  gave us a hand out and told us to read the passage in handout called researchers worry as teen grows up online. Then the teacher picked someone up to share what we got from the passage. Next the teacher let us write “ what is the researcher’s opinion and teenager’s opinion on the board.
researcher’s opinion 
1.Chatting online may be better than watching television,but it's worse than hanging out with real friends.
2.We are not only looking at what the computer can do for us,but what are they doing for us.
 teenager’s opinion
1.School is stressful and busy.
2.Nobody seems to expect the online world to be the same as the real world.
3.Appreciate the ability to edit what they say online or take the time. 

Then  the teacher told us to do exercises and we all finished exercises, the teacher gave us 10 minutes for break.
After that we had to do the test. I thought  the test was a bit difficult for me because I didn’t prepare myself well as my friend told me the test would be unseen passage so I didn’t read much on handouts.
The strategies that I used today were skimming,  scanning , previewing and guessing words meaning from the context.
In my opinion , the lesson was pretty hard for me  because there were many difficult vocabularies that I didn’t know the meaning but I can solve  the problem by find it on dictionary and asked my friends and I really feel thank you for the teacher because in this class made me feel like I had more confidence to speak English.

Exercise C. Answer the questions.
1. How much time spent online do you think is too much? Why ?
Answer  In my opinion, I think 3 hours is too much to spent online because if you spent time more than 3 hours, the light from the screen might damage your eyesight.
2.Do you think that everything can be communicated by E-mail ? Or are some things best said face-to-face ? What example can you give ?
Answer I think everything can’t be communicated by R-mail because it’s better to said face-to-face as we can show the real feeling that we really feel such as guilty for them or feel sorry for them.
3.Would it bother you if people lied you online about their age or appearance ?

Answer In my opinion, I annoyed the person who lied online about their age or appearance because maybe they are criminals who want something from us.

Bye. see you next week.

