วันจันทร์ที่ 14 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2559

Learning Reflection

From English Reading Strategies (1551180) course. I’d learnt many strategies that would be very useful for my reading skill like, scanning, skimming, guessing words meaning from the context, previewing, restatement, finding references, making inferences and predicting as you can see from my previous blogs and I also learned how to read faster. Someone said “the more that you read, the more things you will know” and as I had read a lot in this course ,you can guess how much knowledge that I got from this course.
The X-Files the x files books reading x files

Now you may think that I only improved my reading skills because I had read a lot but in fact I got more than that. I also improved my writing skill and you that know how come, that’s because I had to write the blogs for what I had learnt from this class and I also had to write the summary of the things that I read in class, I improved my listening skill because the teacher always let us listen how to pronounce words in correctly way like native speaker does from Cambridge Dictionary, I improved my speaking a lot in this class because teacher always asks us to discuss with friends about the lesson in English and sometimes I was the representative from my group so I spoke a lot of English in this class and sometimes she let us talk whatever we want with friends BUT HAVE TO TALK IN ENGLISH so now you can’t deny that I improve my four language skills from this useful course.

However, the teacher also shares her us about experiences when she studied abroad, shares many tricks to study English, shares many good websites that would be very useful to improve our English skill. All the things that she shares were very useful for us all.

The difficult and easy things that I found in  this course.
In my opinion, the difficult that I found in this course were, that when I had to read some passages that was academic because there were many difficult words.I also thought that summary each paragraph was pretty difficult for me, I understood what was the passage about but I couldn't  summarize them by my own words and another thing was grammar, sometimes grammar made me confuse about the sentences so I didn’t understand what the passage want to express exactly but I could solve those problem by searching on the internet, finding it on dictionary, asking my friends and teacher. The easy thing that I found was scanning because I didn't have to read a lot just found the key words and the got the answers.

My attitudes toward to the lesson
        In my opinion, first I thought that this course would be very boring because I don’t like to read very long English texts that much after attended to this course made me feel like reading very long English texts is not that boring as there are the many strategies to help us understand what we are reading easier. I think this course is very useful for all students because it can help them easy to understand what they read and this lesson can be used in daily life like when you read newspaper, magazine and all kinds of books even when you do exam, it will help a lot in part reading. However, writing weblogs for this course really help you to improve writing skills, I can feel that because my blog become longer and longer every day. It’s like now I enjoy writing a lot. This course becomes one of my favorite courses.

Finally, I want to say thank you to Asst.Prof.Dr. Usa  Noytim who taught me a lot of things not only the lessons but also about manner and things that will be very useful for my study and my life. Thank you for many good things that you share like, tricks to study, your experience when you studied abroad that inspired me a lot because I also want to study abroad and i think it's really sexy to being very smart so I will try hard like you did. Thank you for being a cool and generous teacher. You are so coooooooooool.

Before I go I have something to share with all of you that come to visit my blog. Maybe you want to read a book after watch this video like me.

Bye, see you next semester. 
cute kids bye goodbye bai

Claasic Ann Landers

        14 November 2016, today was the last class of this semester, the teacher gave us our work back, it was weekly healthy diet planner. My score wasn’t good because I made some mistakes and then she gave us handouts. It was about “Classic Ann Landers”. the teacher told us a bit about the biography of Ann Landers. 
Next, she asked us to read the information on the handouts as quickly as we can and get all ideas what it about.

After that, she reminded us a bit about our manner because many students were talking in class while she was teaching.
Next, she asked us to do exercise by matching each letter to Ann Landers with its correct response.

Today she showed us a good website to learn English and let us watched a video about Hillary Clinton Concession Speech.

After finish watching, she gave us a corrective feedback and then she asked us to do another exercise. When we all finished, she asked for volunteer to write the answer on the board and she gave us corrective feedback later and then she asked us to work in group of three people to do the third exercise. In this exercise we had to read the letter to Ann Landers and we had to give advice to the writer instead of Ann Landers.
The writer’s problem was that her granddaughter behaves not well and she gets along with her granddaughter not well so she asked for advice to improve her relationship with her granddaughter. After finished this exercise, every groups had to send representative of each group.

This was advice from my group.
Dear Southwest: I can tell you it happens with almost families when the kids are being teenager; they think that they grow enough so they should have their own space. You just have to understand them and give them a time to adapt themselves
Maggie maybe a bit lack self-discipline so you should tell your son to warn her and teach her to behave better

Today I’d learnt many vocabularies and leant how to pronounce it correctly.
1.Contract  /ˈkɑːn.trækt/  (n.)  : a legal document that states and explains a formal agreement between two different people or groups, or the agreement itself.
2.Contractor /ˈkɑːn.træk.tɚ/ (n.)  : a person or company that arranges to supply materials or workers for .building or for moving goods.
3.Subcontract /sʌbˈkɑːn.trækt/ (v.) : to pay someone else to do part of a job that you have agreed to do.
4.Cautious /ˈkɑː.ʃəs/ (Adj.) : someone who is cautious avoids risks.
5.Trustworthy /ˈtrʌstˌwɝː.ði/ (Adj.) : able to be trusted.
6.Glamorous /ˈɡlæm.ə.əs/  (Adj.) : attractive in an exciting and special way.
7.Resent /rɪˈzent/ (v.) : to feel angry because you have been forced to accept someone or something that you do not like.
8.Refrain /rɪˈfreɪn/ formal (v.) : to avoid doing or stop yourself from doing something.
9.Sensitive /ˈsen.sə.t̬ɪv/ (Adj.) : easily upset by the things people say or do, or causing people to be upset, embarrassed, or angry.

When we finished lesson, we had to do a quiz. It was pretty difficult for me.  

The strategies that I used today were skimming, scanning, guessing words meaning from context and Predicting.

        For me, i thought this lesson was pretty easy because there were not much difficult vocabularies and the texts were short but I still found some sentences that I didn’t understand because of grammar but I could solve that problem by asking my friends and teacher. I had a lot of fun in class today because the lesson was interesting and as we had to work in group so it was fun to brainstorm ideas and discuss with friends as I love talking a lot so I didn’t get bored. See you next semester because I am pretty sure that teacher will ask us to write the blogs again.

วันอังคารที่ 8 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2559

Paragraph reading strategies "Books and Novels"

         7 November 2016, today I had to run to class because I was enjoying my breakfast and didn’t pay attention what time it was but I got in time anyway. Teacher came to class at 8.30 am as always. First of all Teacher check who was absent today and then she gave us handouts and asked us to us do exercises  and show us the books that related to our handouts.

Next, She lets us answered the questions. We had to read all information of each books as fast as possible to answer the questions.

reading community nbc ken jeong chang
After that, she asked us to do another exercise on the handouts. After finishing, she asked us to work in group and write the summary of each paragraph and asked someone in class to wrote it on the board.

I had learnt many vocabularies and also how to pronounce it correctly.

1.Geography (n.)  /dʒiˈɒɡ.rə.fi/ = the study of the systems and processes involved in the world's weather, mountains, seas, lakes, etc. and of the ways in which countries and people organize life within an area.
2.Institute (n.)  /ˈɪn.stɪ.tʃuːt/ = an organization where people do a particular type of scientific, educational, or social work, or the buildings that it uses.
3.Institution (n.) /ˌɪn.stɪˈtʃuː.ʃən/ = a large and important organization, such as a university or bank.
4.History (adj.) /ˈhɪs.tər.i/ = (the study of or a record of) past events considered together, especially events of a particular period, country, or subject.
5.Heroic (adj.) /hɪˈrəʊ.ɪk/ = very brave or great.
6.Heroine (n.) /ˈher.əʊ.ɪn/ = a woman who is admired for having done something very brave or having achieved something great.

The strategies that used today were skimming and scanning and guessing word meaning from the context.

For me, I thought the lesson’s today was very difficult because there were a lot of difficult words and I had to read a lot to the get main point of each paragraph but I solved the problem by asking the teacher and asked my friends. Also finding the difficult words in dictionary. Even though the lesson was hard but I had a lot of fun in class because it was fun to discuss and had a little argument with friends. That’s  all for today. See you next week. Good byeeeee.
filmeditor bye lindsay lohan love ya cady heron

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2559

read faster !

         31 October 2016, the teacher taught us to pronounce some vocabularies in correctly way by using  http://dictionary.cambridge.org/. It was a good website because we could listen how native speaker pronounced it. 

these were vocabularies that i have learnt.
1.Accuracy (n) /ˈæk.jə.rə.si/ : the fact of being exact or correct.
2.Semester (n) /sɪˈmes.tər/ : one of the periods into which a year is divided at a college or university
3.Oral (adj.) /ˈɔː.rəl/ : spoken and not writing 
4.Consistent (adj)/kənˈsɪs.tənt/ : always behaving or happening in a similar, especially positive, way.
5.Compulsory (adj) /kəmˈpʌl.sər.i/ : If something is compulsory, you must do it because of a rule or law.
6.Reluctant (adj)/rɪˈlʌk.tənt/   : not willing to do something and therefore slow to do it.
7.Behind (adv) /bɪˈhaɪnd/ : at the back.
8.Effective (adj)/ɪˈfek.tɪv/ : successful or achieving the results that you want.
9.Receive (v) /rɪˈsiːv/ : to get something.
10.Conduct (v)/kənˈdʌkt/  : to organize and perform a particular activity.
11.Acquire (v)/əˈkwaɪər/ : to get something.

After that, she gave us corrective feedback of homework that she assigned us last week then, she asked us a question about 
“How do we improve our speaking, listening, and writing skills ?” 
♥For me, I improve my by watching English movie, listening to English music, and sometimes reading quotes.   

And she also asked “How do we read in English?”.
♥For me, normally before i read i will predict what passage going to tell me from the title of the passage and then when found difficult words while i am reading in English. I will try to guess the meaning of that word from context and keep reading till finish but if i can’t even predict or that’s difficult word makes me don’t understand the passage, i will find it on dictionary.

After that, she asked us another question about
" what are obstacles to faster reading ? "
♥For me, Difficult word is obstacle because when i read in English and i found difficult words that i can’t even guess what does it mean, make me can’t continue reading, I will find it on the dictionary.

Next, She asked us to answer to see if we are a good reader.
“ Do you agree or disagree?”
1. A good reader always reads at the same speed.
2.You should focus on one word at a time.
3.You need to understand every word of what you are reading
4.You can only understand  a text if you read it slowly.
5.You should always read from the first word in a text to the last.
6.You should use a dictionary as soon as you come across an unknown word.
She told us if we disagreed all of those questions, we were being a good reader.
♥For me i agreed with Item 4 so that’s mean I still had to practice more to be a good reader. I have to practice to read faster. 

After that she gave us hand outs and started new lesson, it was about Read Faster.
She asked us to read the passage and think what’s the topic and summary of the passage. After that we had to read the passage about 
Obstacles to faster effective reading and to do exercise 1 and 2.
When we all finished, she let us took a break for 15 minutes. 

After that teacher let us do more exercises and then gave the corrective feedback when we all finished. 
For this lesson I used many strategies like, scanning, skimming, guessing word meaning from the context.

For me, I thought this lesson was pretty difficult because there were many difficult words and the exercises were very hard but I could solve those problems by finding a difficult vocabulary in dictionary, asking my friends and asking teacher. I had a lot of fun today. See you next week.

kids bye goodbye bai farewell